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Shared In Topic: Let's celebrate Global Youth Service Day! Invitation to join an international project together with iEARN Moldova teachers and students.

May 03, 2016 9:16am UTC

Hello, everyone

We have organized a complex activiy for the GYSD project.

We planned to touch students hearts, to provoke them to do something for our toun. So first of all we began our huge project with the activity "TO BE A BETTER PERSON , I WILL..." So, students drew their hands and cut them . On their hands they wrote what they will do for being better. Then we proposed them to make a change in our town and we decided to make it cleaner. we implied in this activity all our three lyceums (from the whole town, and also the mayor and the administration of our town). We coop together like a big, friendly and united family. All our students were impressed by this. 

With the primary classes we organized an exibition: they drew their town of dream (how do they wants to see their town). 

With the 7th form we organized an online meeting with the Fulbright teacher, April Salermo, where students ask her many questions about community service in the USA and shared their impressions about their activities as volunteers in our country.

The high school students went to help old people in cleaning their gardens.

The 9th form created some environmental projects how to change practically our town to make it better. They designed and calculated what concretly they need for realizing their projects. These projects include different zones of our town (cleaning, planting trees, creating playgrounds, etc.).

Here I want to attach some pictures of our activities: