iEARN Workshops in Taiwan

On October 11 and October 24, there will be two iEARN workshops for Taiwan teachers to learn how to integrate iEARN projects into the curriculum.

On Oct. 11, roughly 50-60 teachers around Taiwan will gather together to learn about iEARN projects, the iEARN Collaboration Centre, and how to initiate an iEARN project into their classroom. Teachers will come from all different subjects, ranging from Grade 1 to Grade 12.

On Oct. 24, iEARN Taiwan will be invited to speak to 300 Academic Deans of Junior and Senior High School, Taoyuan County, Taiwan. They are eager to learn how they can incorporate iEARN projects into their school education.  

iEARN participants are encouraged to post their greetings to these Taiwan educators in the iEARN Teachers Forum.

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