Learn All About the 2017 iEARN Conference and Youth Summit in Morocco

Members of the iEARN conference planning committee from Morocco shared about the upcoming event during a videoconference on March 15, 2017. The webinar gave an overview of the event, travel and logistics, program and proposals, and other details to help participants plan and prepare for the event.

The iEARN Conference and Youth Summit will take place from July 17 - 22, 2017 in Marrakech, Morocco. This annual event showcases educational technology activities, school partnerships, new professional development tools, innovative curricula, and the collaborative efforts of youth and educators participating in the network. In addition to educator and youth led workshops, the six-day event also features cultural excursions, cultural nights, and presentations by select keynotes working in the field of global education and virtual exchange.

Click to view the recording of the webinar and learn all you need to know about the conference this July. To register for the conference, visit the conference website.



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