Goal 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

The sixteenth UN Sustainable Development Goal: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

From the UN:
"Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals is dedicated to the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, the provision of access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels."

Some key goals include:

  • Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms.
  • Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all.
  • Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements.

iEARN Projects Take Action

Join the below iEARN projects to take action towards achieving the sixteenth UN Sustainable Development Goal!

Machinto - Hiroshima for Peace

Based on books such as “Machinto” and "My Hiroshima", participants learn about what Nuclear droppings brought us,and research/discuss where little birds "war affected children" are still crying in the world and how Nuclear Power Plants today affects us. Participants will express peace, friendship, and safe world through their creative picture books, videos, and any kids of medias to share with those little birds in the world.

Find out more and join this iEARN Project at https://iearn.org/cc/space-2/group-11

Smiling World

Smiling World is a project that aims to promote international peace throughout the world through smiles.

We will enlist the help of schools and exchange posters, murals and love. We will show the world we are ready for peace and harmony. A world with smiles is a world with sunshine - let's let the rays beam.

Find out more and join this iEARN Project at https://iearn.org/cc/space-2/group-327


The CIVICS project serves as a platform for young people to be actively involved in their communities. Groups of students will be guided to do work focusing on issues like environment, eradication of poverty, women education, education and literacy. Students will plan action projects and respond some of these issues through a process of reflection, dialogue and action.

Find out more and join this iEARN Project at https://iearn.org/cc/space-2/group-32

Talking Kites Around the World

Students make kites to fly as a massive tribute dedicated to advancing the cultural and social dialog, a symbol of bridging the gap and understanding the "other." This will hopefully become a continuous tradition of flying kites with personal and group images of our dreams for a better world, a world of co-existence, tolerance, acceptance of the "other" and peace.

Find out more about this iEARN Project at https://iearn.org/cc/space-2/group-95

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