Goal 4: Quality Education

The fourth UN Sustainable Development Goal: Quality Education

From the UN:
"Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development. Major progress has been made towards increasing access to education at all levels and increasing enrollment rates in schools particularly for women and girls.

Basic literacy skills have improved tremendously, yet bolder efforts are needed to make even greater strides for achieving universal education goals. For example, the world has achieved equality in primary education between girls and boys, but few countries have achieved that target at all levels of education."

iEARN Projects Take Action

Join the below iEARN projects to take action towards achieving the fourth UN Sustainable Development Goal!

Girls Rising

Girls Rising journeys around the globe to witness the strength of the human spirit and the power of education to change the world and students get to know nine unforgettable girls living in the developing world: ordinary girls who confront tremendous challenges and overcome nearly impossible odds to achieve their dreams.

Find out more and join this iEARN Project at https://iearn.org/cc/space-2/group-315

Español: Mi Escuela, Tu Escuela

El proyecto busca comparar escuelas alrededor del mundo para reforzar la identidad y el sentido de pertenencia de los alumnos por sus escuelas y fomentar el respeto por las otras culturas a través del conocimiento de ella.

Find out more, and join this iEARN Project at https://iearn.org/cc/space-2/group-166

School Uniform Exchange

Students are encouraged to explore the identity of their own schools. The themes for the various months include: values of global issue exchange, school and cultural explorations, uniform exchange (if the school provides, not compulsory), activities sharing, forum discussion, and video conferences.

Students can write a school uniform diary, or create their own digital virtual uniforms with a specific school symbol or spirit. Most of all, there’s a group of partner schools instead of one.

Find out more and join this iEARN Project at https://iearn.org/cc/space-2/group-122

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Connect with educators and youth across iEARN's network
