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Shared In Topic: 3D Ideas

May 05, 2016 1:31pm UTC

7. Expected outcomes/products (ie joint project publication, exhibitions, website, etc):
The outcome is learning experience. Students now have a foundation to build upon. It might also be possible to publish the student work online or in a book.
8. Project contribution to others and the planet:
Students think about how their 3D ideas can contribute to the world. It could be an animation, game, 3D printed object or something else.
9. Project language(s): English
10. Curriculum/Subject area: Arts/Technology and Digital Media / Engineering
11. Names/email of initial participating groups (before launching, all proposed iEARN projects must demonstrate that they have identified partners ready to collaborate in the project): Several schools from outside iEarn have told me they are interested in doing a project together, I hope they will sign up for iEarn to participate for this project. 

Is anyone else here interested? This was my first year teaching 3D to my students and, too a large extent, I too have been learning as I go. You don't need to be an expert going in, you just need to be interested.
12. Name of facilitator(s): Benjamin Mathews - looking for co-facilitators.
13. Email of facilitator(s): 
14. WWW page of project (not required):

15. If you have a project image, logo, etc that can accompany the description, please upload it along with your above description.