2011 Global Education Conference

Share your iEARN project work and activities at the 2011 Global Education Conference, November 14 - 18, online and free.  Sessions will take place in multiple time zones and multiple languages over the five days.

The 2010 Global Education Conference had 15,028 unique logins and presentations from 62 countries. iEARN educators, students and coordinators facilitated 15 of these sessions (see descriptions) and will again be a partner in helping to make the event a success. 

All 2011 sessions will be hosted using the Blackboard Collaborate platform and will be broadcast live.  

iEARN GEC Conference Presentations:

To find the time for your time zone go to http://globaleducation.ning.com/page/2011-sessions-and-schedule and choose your time zone.  Click on the presentation title for more information.

Monday Nov. 14

Connect All Schools – Dave Potter, USA

Going Global in the Big Apple with the Global Education Coalition – New York City (GEC-NYC) - Dr. Tonya Muro Phillips, Global Nomads Group, Sylvia Wong, Concern Worldwide US; David Donaldson, TeachUNICEF; Diane Midness and Aqeela Cutter, iEARN-USA

My Identity, Your Identity Culture Project: Global Online Collaboration in Action-Nicole Boujaber-Diederichs, USA and Said Belgra, Morocco 

Global Collaboration, Project-Based Learning and the Common Core State Standards – Diane Midness, Tim Kubik, Deanne McBeath, Linda Giesel, Angela Guy, USA 

iEARN Holiday Card Exchange- Donna Roman,USA; Ruth Hua, Taiwan; Kerry Shanahan & students, USA 

Shaping better learners,better citizens and tomorrow's leaders through Project Based Learning-Safietou Ndiaye, Senegal  

Wednesday Nov. 15

What I have done with (iEARN) organization to improve my skills and my teen peers- Sulieman Saud Sulieman Al-Qassab and Mohammed Hamed Al-Soukri, Oman

Interculturality, Learning through Global Projects-Annie Flore Vergne, France and M. Venugopalan, India

iEARN Adobe Youth Voices Youth Media-Making Programs from Across the Globe- Lisa Jobson, USA; Almerinda Garibaldi, Brazil; Cornelia Platon, Romania;Omashani Naidoo, South Africa; Allan Kakinda, Uganda 

Connecting with students for creating media projects - Mihaela Runceanu, Romania; Svetlana Yakubovskaya, Belarus; Ivo Marçal Vieira Junior 

iEARN project in Italy- Giuseppe Fortunati

Thursday Nov. 16

One schools story, Student exchanges: Impacts & Success- George Thornton, Tony Kindred, Steve Quick, Students 

 National Security Language Initiative for Youth: A Students' Experience Abroad – Curtis Young and Jake Sidransky

Friday Nov. 17

iEARN Master Trainer Seminar reflections: Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art grant recipients discuss their experience- Donna Roman and Zeenat Munir

Closing Keynote – Ed Gragert

To be scheduled:

Authentic Learning Experiences for Elementary Students, a U.S. - Uganda Connection – Kim Slivik and Richard Mwenyi

My Hero Learning Circles- Wendy Jewel, Mali Bickley, Laura Nitzer, and Jeanne Meyers  

A online course model for preparing educators worldwide to integrate youth media-making into the classroom – Allan Kakinda, Mihaela Runceanu, Alema Nasim

PenPal News - A free web app that uses news as a conversation-starter to connect students around the world – Michael Bernstein - 

Finding Solutions to Hunger - Deanne McBeath, USA and Janna Wilson, Canada

Re-ignite your passion for teaching by bringing the world into your classroom- Losira Okelo, USA, Sounkalo Dembele, Mali, Jewell Mitchell, USA



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