Annual Award “Teacher Daniel Reyes” 2011 - TELAR – iEARN Argentina

School N° 719 from the small Patagonian town of Gobernador Costa, was recognised with the Annual Award “Teacher Daniel Reyes*” 2011 on October 29th.  Teachers and students at school Nº 719 were selected because of their enthusiastic participation in Adobe Youth Voices, involving parents and other community members in their projects. The themes the students chose to make their voices heard through Adobe Youth Voices included domestic violence, school drop outs, loneliness, sexual abuse, suicide, among others.

Verónica Pérez, one of the teachers who coordinated the project at the school said:  “I am grateful for the possibility of learning how to use these tools, which have marked the lives of our students, our school and the community. Adobe Youth Voices is a project which moves people to action and requires commitment.  As facilitators, it is our duty to assist and motivate young people to express themselves and tell the world their truth."

Sandra Cabrera, another teacher facilitator at the school expressed: “The work of a teacher is to motivate students to express their ideas and feelings to help them change their reality. These are our first steps, through this project we have succeeded in bringing together many people -professionals, parents and other members of our small community."
*Daniel Reyes was the founder and visionary of the TELARiEARN network and Fundación Evolución in Argentina back in 1989, the recognition is awarded each year in his honour on the day of his birthday.

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