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Bat-Chen Diaries Learning Circle 1 (Elementary/Middle School) - Teachers

This Circle is based on the children’s book the Bat-Chen Diaries and will focus on the theme: "For Me, Writing is Something Awesome." The Final Publication for this project will be a joint publication called a pupils' "Book of Dreams"

The Circle will be based on the children’s book the Bat-Chen Diaries and will focus on the theme: "For Me, Writing is Something Awesome." The purpose of the Circle will be to expose children to the values of writing a diary; to encourage young children to write in a reflective and personal manner and express their anxieties, fears and concerns as well as their hopes and dreams - hopefully this will lead to getting acquainted with others. Part of the process will include creating "Dream Circles” where children share similar dreams from all over the world. In this Circle children will attempt to plan and initiate actualization of their dream. This is based on believing that initiative is the bridge between dreams and success. The Final Publication for this project will be a joint publication called a pupils' "Book of Dreams"
